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Unlock Deeper Insights with Enhanced User Analytics

With Teams Plus, we've gained access to enhanced user analytics that empower our Teams' success. The data insights have been invaluable for refining our strategies and optimizing productivity.


Value Propositions

  • Problem: Microsoft’s Teams admin center requires granting admin access for reporting, which isn’t always ideal.
  • Solution: Our app provides a reporting interface that doesn’t demand administrative access, ensuring data security.
  • Problem: Ad hoc reporting can be time-consuming and inefficient.
  • Solution: With our app, you can automate report generation on a schedule, saving time and ensuring regular updates.
  • Problem: Microsoft’s limitations on reportable metrics can be restrictive.
  • Solution: Our app offers an extensive selection of metrics, giving you 10 times more options for insightful reporting.
  • Problem: Microsoft expects end users to use PowerBI, which can be challenging.
  • Solution: Our app is designed with ease of use in mind, eliminating the need for extensive PowerBI knowledge.

Revolutionize Your Analytics Experience

  • User-Friendly Interface: Our intuitive interface empowers users to access insights without the need for admin access or PowerBI expertise.
  • Automated Scheduling: Schedule reports to run at your convenience, ensuring you always have the latest data at your fingertips.
  • Expansive Metrics: Choose from a diverse range of metrics for comprehensive reporting that goes beyond Microsoft’s limitations.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed decisions based on real-time data, improving your organization’s performance.

Frequently asked questions

Why is accessing the Teams admin center for reporting problematic?

Granting admin access for reporting can be a security concern. Our app eliminates the need for admin access, providing a secure, user-friendly reporting solution.

How does automated scheduling improve reporting?

Automated scheduling ensures that reports are generated on time without manual intervention, saving time and keeping your data up to date.

What metrics can I access with Enhanced User Analytics?

Our app offers a comprehensive selection of metrics, allowing you to choose from a wide range of options for in-depth reporting and analysis.

Ready to take control of your user analytics in Microsoft Teams? Embrace Enhanced User Analytics today and unlock a world of insights without the hassle. Say goodbye to limitations, security concerns, and time-consuming ad hoc reporting. Make data-driven decisions effortlessly and elevate your organization’s performance with Enhanced User Analytics.

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